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Focused on closet cheating and security

It's not cheating if you don't get caught.

Software Box
Moon Background
Awesome Features

Why you should choose us?

It's not cheating if you don't get caught.

With the proper settings, Lunar features will bypass any popular anticheat.

Bolt image

You get the advantage, they make the excuses.

Our solutions make you unbeatable, all while staying discreet.

Bolt image

An invisible advantage, an unstoppable success.

Cheat smart, win silently.


Security is one of our highest priorities, we are constantly improving our software to stay undetected.

Instant access

Registration and checkout is quick and easy. You can start cheating right after buying your license.

Fast updates

All our cheats are updated after each game update, all down time are compensated.


If one of our cheats goes down for any reason, the time will always be compensated.

Premium quality

The best of its class, Lunar is the standard at which all others are measured.

24/7 Support

Get help when you need it, round the clock. Our support team is available 24/7.

Unleash the full power

Everything you need to carry your games.


Happy Customers


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